The tomato plant as an example

tomato plant

The tomato plant is grown rampant in modern cultivation and has a racemose inflorescence. The tomato plant requires a high dose of fertilizer in which the need for potassium (K) is relatively high in fruit development. The color and firmness of the fruit is affected by the type of fertilization, i.e. ratio of fertilizer elements during certain times or on the cycle.

Higher doses of fertilizers provide more acids and sugars resulting in a stronger flavor and taste of the tomato as less mealy and juicier. The final taste depends on the composition of the tomato. A tomato consists largely of water and contains only 5-7% of dry matter. Dry matter of which is half sugars,% 9 malic acid, citric acid, 4% and the remainder consisting of amino acids, minerals and salts. Although a tomato contains more than 400 aromatic substances, make them only 0.1% of the tomato.

The two main seasonings are the level and the relationship between acidity and sweetness. In a both low sweet and acidity level, the result is a watery tomato, while too much sugar and too little acid leads to bland tasting tomatoes., Similar to an overripe tomato. however more acidic and less sugar, gives a sharp taste. Extra salt enhances the sweetness and softness, extra potassium (K) for a more acidic taste.

increasing the distance between the tomato plants will lead to larger and sweeter tomatoes. The plants catch more light and produce more sugar (photosynthesis). Usually they pick the leaves above a ripe bunch to facilitate harvesting resulting in lower sugar production. When the grower omits this then it delivers sweeter fruit.

The tomato plant operates best at relatively higher temperatures. therefore is usually grown under glass in temperate regions. Generally, higher temperatures conversions resulting in growth and fruit development faster with the condition that the nutriële (fertilizer) supply is proportionate.

Cultivation on hydro cultures typically yield less flavor than on organic substrates due to lack of organic fertilizers. The quantitative results are substantially equal.